CURE Children’s Hospitals treat children with a variety of disabling conditions that often go uncared for in countries that have a lack of access to resources. Without treatment, these children are more vulnerable, often in pain, and left on the fringes of society.


Often fatal if untreated, this is an abnormal increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid within the cranial cavity that expands cerebral ventricles, enlarges the skull and forehead, and causes atrophy of the brain.

Spina Bifida

A birth defect that occurs when the spine and spinal cord do not form properly. Treatment involves surgery and, in some cases, ongoing medical care. Spina Bifida is more prevalent in areas where malnutrition exists.


A permanent shortening of muscle, tendon, or scar tissue producing deformity or distortion that is usually seen as severe scarring caused by untreated burns. This condition is common in medically underserved areas of the world.

Windswept Deformity

A condition in which one leg is bowed outward and the other leg is bowed inward, causing the legs to look “windswept.” This treatable condition is severely debilitating and can cause pain, limitation of movement, and limping.

Knock Knees

A condition in which the legs curve inward at the knees. Like bowed legs, knock knees can be painful and worsen over time because of the stress caused on the legs. Children with knock knees often experience bullying and rejection.

Bowed Legs

A leg (or legs) that bows outward at or below the knee. This condition puts stress on the legs, which can be painful. The bow usually worsens over time, further limiting a child’s mobility and social interaction.

Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate

A birth defect characterized by one or more clefts (separations) in the upper lip or by a split in the roof of the mouth. This condition causes dental issues, feeding problems, and significant social challenges.


A congenitally misshapen foot twisted out of position, often resembling the angle of a golf club. Children can present with this condition on one or both feet, and it is very difficult for children to walk and be active.

Broken Bones

For a broken bone, a trip to the emergency room is commonplace here in North America, but for many around the world, broken bones often go untreated. The bone heals in the wrong position and leaves children disabled and vulnerable to neglect and bullying.